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Past Projects


Live Well Night at the Ballpark

July 1

Roethert Stadium

Home of the Junction City Brigade

More than a dozen volunteers prepared and served healthier ballpark food options as part of the

JC Brigade's Wellness Weekend

Summer Picnic Party Kickoff

June 2

Playground Park

Summer Picnic Party Kickoff at Playground Park – Staffed entirely by community volunteers, this program provides a nutritious, free lunch to all children ages 1-18 at five locations in Junction City and Grandview Plaza from May 30 – July 28.

Farmer's Market

Vendor Appreciation Night

May 11

Geary Community Hospital

Farmer's market vendors joined Live Well for an evening of light refreshments, socializing, and to recieve training for the market EBT system.

Summer Picnic Volunteer Training

May 9

First Presbyterian Church

Hosted dinner and training for community volunteers with program coordinators from the Kansas Food Bank


Food. Education. Agriculture. Solutions. Together.


October 15

Fifty community attendees met with experts to identify and discuss challenges to our food system and brainstorm ways to improve access to healthy, locally-produced foods.

Summer Picnic Parties

May 31 - August 12

Dozens of community volunteers served over 4100 meals to local children at five locations in Junction City throughout the summer.

Farmer's Market

Vendor Appreciation Night

May 19

Geary Community Hospital

Farmer's market vendors joined Live Well for an evening of light refreshments, socializing, and to recieve training for the market EBT system.

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